

Here are the different types of savings:

Members Savings: This type of savings is typically offered by financial institutions to their members or account holders. It allows individuals to save money over time, earn interest, and access their funds when needed. Members savings accounts often come with features like ATM access, online banking, and periodic statements.

Youth Savings: Youth savings accounts are designed specifically for young individuals, such as children and teenagers. These accounts encourage early financial literacy and responsible money management. They may have lower minimum balance requirements and offer educational resources to help young savers learn about saving and budgeting.

Group Savings: Group savings accounts are commonly used in community-based or cooperative settings. Members of a group pool their savings together, contributing regularly to a shared account. These accounts can be used for various purposes, such as community projects, emergency funds, or collective investments.

Remember to choose a savings option that aligns with your financial goals and needs. Whether you’re saving for short-term expenses, long-term goals, or as part of a group effort, having a savings plan in place is essential for financial stability.

Members Savings

Entrance Fee: To become a member, you’ll need to pay an entrance fee of Thirty Ghana Cedis (GH₵ 30.00). This fee covers administrative costs and ensures your membership.

Youth Savings

WACCOM offers a special savings program for children from birth to 17 years old. Here are the key details:

Account Opening:

    1. Parents can open an account in the child’s name.

Group Savings

is a financial arrangement where multiple individuals pool their money together to save collectively. It’s a great way to achieve common financial goals and build a stronger financial base.

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